OSHC September News Article

16 September 2019

YMCA OSHC Stable Growth

YMCA South Australia has expanded its OSHC services to 15, with the addition of three new venues over the last three months.

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9 September 2019

YMCA moves to combat childhood obesity

In an aggressive move against the rise in childhood obesity, members of a YMCA South Australia managed recreation facility will receive free membership for

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MOTM Shane Taylor 0719

20 August 2019

Big Shane’s big heart at Whyalla
YMCA News Whyalla

Whyalla Recreation Centre member Shane Taylor donated his Member of the Month voucher to the Centre’s Leap Takers disability group.

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The Yes Project

5 August 2019

YMCA supports accessible employment pathway

YMCA South Australia has been awarded a Federal Government grant of $110,000 to facilitate better employment pathways for people living with a disability.

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Glengowrie 60th Anniversary eblast

10 July 2019

Glengowrie YMCA – 60 years young
YMCA News Marion

The proud and extensive service to the community of the YMCA in Marion and Glenelg will be thrust into the spotlight as the Glengowrie YMCA celebrates its 60th

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