2024 SA Youth Press Gallery
The YMCA SA Youth Press Gallery is an exciting opportunity for young people aged 15-17 who have an interest in political journalism and advocacy to gain valuable experience serving in the Press Gallery for the 2024 YMCA SA Youth Parliament. Participants in the Press Gallery will develop and distribute articles about the program and the issues being debated, with the goal to share those articles with a variety of publications.
How does it work?
Press Gallery participants will be provided training leading up to the Youth Parliament sitting week where they will develop their skills in writing long-form content, interviewing, and pitching for media. Participants will also have the opportunity to learn directly from people in the media, journalism, marketing and communications industries, as well as the official Youth Parliament Media and Communications team.
During three sitting days of Youth Parliament, the Press Gallery will work intensively in the chambers of Parliament house. This will include developing and publishing articles on the program and the issues debated for print and online media outlets, as well as interviewing participants and supporting the development of social media content for the official Youth Parliament social channels.

Workshops (April – July)
Participation in the Youth Press Gallery will involve attendance at several online workshops, in the lead up to the Residential Week. These workshops will allow participants to:
- Get to know the Youth Press Gallery cohort
- Meet and learn from professionals in the marketing and communications/journalism/media industry
- Develop skills to prepare them to effectively perform their duties in the Youth Parliament sitting week.
Sitting Week – 15, 16, 18 & 19 July 2024
Over Sitting Week, Youth Press Gallery participants will develop and distribute digital written content covering the Youth Parliament events and dates. Participants will also support the social media activity covering the Youth Parliament program on the official Youth Parliament social media channels.
Please note that there is no cost to participation in this program.
This program is highly recommended to young people who have an interest in media, journalism, politics or advocacy.
Have questions? Reach out to youth@ymcsa.org.au or ring Samoda on 0448 466 787.
Applications are currently closed.
School workshops and mock parliament sessions
Are you a school teacher? Did you know YMCA South Australia run school workshops and mock Parliament debates for years 7 and up? Get in touch with us to find out how we can bring Civics and Citizenship to life and make learning about politics and Parliament fun!
Matilda Every
| Older Australians’ quality of life: Are younger generations the answer? | 26 September 2024 |
Alys Appleford
| A JEDI Council fitting of the Galactic Empire | 13 August 2024 |
Siddhan Govender
| Youth Parliament calls for more regional public transport | 20 September 2024 |
Justice McGowan
| Supporting the growth of young athletes | 20 September 2024 |
Arjun Malhotra
| Leaders of today, lawmakers of tomorrow | 20 September 2024 |
Megan Rouski
Contact Us
For more information please contact the YMCA South Australia Youth Empowerment team on 0422 343 916 or youth@ymcasa.org.au