YMCA Defence Communities. Have fun. Build connections. Make memories. Explorers Staycation & Day programs are a fun environment for 5–12-year-olds to meet other Defence children, while encouraging personal growth. Our Family Camps and Family Fun Days enable families to come together, as well as connecting with other Defence families through organised activities.

DID YOU KNOW - NO JOIN FEE for Defence families at all YMCA rec sites! Email youth@ymcasa.org.au for code (must have Defence ID). Click here to find a site near you.

Explorers: Salisbury TreeClimb

Join us for a fun-filled day! Take on the challenge of the brand new TreeClimb @ Salisbury! We will also be playing a bunch of fun outside games.


When: 29 March 10:30am-4:30pm
Where: Harry Bowey Reserve, Salisbury Park SA 5109
Who: Children from full time Defence families aged between 5-12 (must be at least 100cm tall for Tree Climb)
Cost: $25 per child; includes TreeClimb, outdoor games and lunch.

Snapshot of Session:
10:30-11:00am Icebreaker Games
11:00am-12:30pm Outside team & tag games
12:30-1:15pm Lunch
1:15-4:00pm TreeClimb
4:00-4:30pm Feedback Games

For more information contact youth@ymcasa.org.au
*Please note you will need to select which course your child would like to climb. For more information head here

Registrations also opening soon for Family Fun Day – The Parks. Save the date: 14 June.

EVENT NOW SOLD OUT - Fill out the form below to be added to the waitlist

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YMCA Defence Communities is operated by YMCA Youth Empowerment

Youth Empowerment works from the Marion Leisure & Fitness Centre on select days/times.

Phone: (08) 8200 2500

Email: youth@ymcasa.org.au