Frequently asked questions

What do I need to pack for my child?

Please bring a labelled change of clothes and a comforter for nap time if your child wishes to have one. If you have a specific brand of nappies you prefer please pack these too.

For children who are formula or milk fed please bring expressed milk or your choice of formula.

What should my child wear?

Simple play clothes and running shoes allow children to participate without limitations or worries that their clothes will get damaged. Shorts, t-shirts, jeans, jumpers and track suits with closed in shoes (no thongs) are recommended. For sun safe reasons families and carers are asked to not send children in singlet tops. A spare set of labelled clothes should be sent in the children’s bag.

Will food be provided?

Yes, homecooked meals will be provided. This will include breakfast, morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack.

What if my child has allergies or dietary requirements?

Discussion regarding meals will be made in consultation with families, carers and staff. YMCA dietitian will assist staff and families to ensure all food requirements can be met.

The YMCA is an ‘allergy aware’ service provider and will also endeavour to meet religious beliefs regarding food for individual families.

What is the immunisation policy?

In accordance to the South Australian Public Health Act 2011 (the Act), from 7 August 2020, children will not be able to enrol in or attend early childhood services unless all immunisation requirements are met (No Jab, No Play).

An updated immunisation record must be provided when additional doses or immunisations have been administered.

Enrolment and bookings

How do I enrol my child?

To enrol your child please contact the Children's Services Support team on 08 8200 2556 or the centre directly.

All children and families are invited to a tour of the site prior to commencement. To book your tour please contact the children’s services support team.

What is the cancellation policy?

If you wish to withdraw your child from the service (including casual days) you must provide two weeks written notice or pay full fees in lieu of this notice. If you wish to reduce the days booked at the centre you are also asked to give two weeks’ notice.

How do I sign my child in or out?

Families and carers need to sign their children in and out of the service at the time of arrival and departure through Xplor Home. This procedure is a legal requirement of the funding body as it is linked to your childcare subsidy payments. Your co-operation in this matter is appreciated.

Any additional caregivers picking up children need to be documented on the Enrolment Form. Any changes to general routine of this process must be discussed with the Service Director prior to access.

How do I change my booking?

Two weeks written notice must be provided to make changes to permanent bookings. Holidays and absent requests can be made through the Xplor Home app.

What do I do if my child is absent?

Please contact the service via phone, email or via the Xplor Home app to inform us if your child will not be attending for any given day. Fees will still be payable for all absent days including holidays. Note, public holidays are not charged.

If you are planning holidays or an absent day in advance, please make this request 2 weeks prior if you would like to receive the discounted holiday rate.

Should a child use more than 42 absent days per financial year (as set by Centrelink), full fees will be charged if no medical certificate is supplied, and CCS will not be paid - resulting in full fees being payable.