Parent/Guardian Details:
Participant's details:
Please advise selected course for all participants:
Medical Information: YMCA SA works hard to provide safe, supported and enjoyable camps and activities. Please help us to meet this goal by providing us with as much information about medical, health, behavioural and dietary issues or concerns as you can. Our staff are very happy to discuss any additional requirements or support that is needed.
Does any of the listed participants have any allergies and/or dietary requirements?  
Does any of the listed participants have any medical conditions or issues that may affect their participation in this activity?  
Does your family have Private Health Insurance?
Does your family have Ambulance Cover?

Image Consent

I agree for my families photograph to be taken, acknowledging that it may be reproduced in print and electronic format for YMCA South Australia promotional activities. I understand that I may request in writing for my families photograph no longer be used in future print or electronic media.